Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Metropolitan Experience...

On Saturday April 21, 2007 I got up early to make it to the Museum in New York. I had to go and see all the talk about the Metropolitan Museum of art. I got all my direction the night before and was ready to go when I got ready on Saturday. The drive to New York wasn’t too bad. I am just happy it was the traffic that I encountered when going to Yale University art Gallery. Nonetheless it was traffic more of stop and go when I got closer to New York.

When I got to the museum I turned of my flash because I knew that had to be on of the rules that they had since all the other museums I have visited lately had that same rule. See the museum up close and in person reminded me of when I first came to the museum. . Most people setting up shop for the day. I can remember as a child when my school came to the museum we had all the coach buses lined up waiting to drop ups off. Of course back then they could part right in front of the museum. They could only drop us off and then either pick us up or let us know where they would be parking so we can walk as group to that location. The out side of the building is what I remembered the most. To me it had not aged a bit. Okay maybe it was a little different but not much.

Here is a little history of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The museum was founded in 1870 by a group of American Citizens. They wanted to create a museum that would bring art and art education to the American people they started their collection of art with three private European collections that included 174 paintings total. The collections continued to grow in the 19th century and as you see today they are still are growing tremendously. This is museum holds a lot of interesting history that would be good to bring the whole family. Spend a day here and open your eyes to a world of history. I was amazed at what my eyes had beheld let alone at what my camera had captured in pictures. I couldn’t stop talking about the museum one I got home.

What intrigue me the most were the art sculpture? There where so many to choose from and I loved them all. They had so much thought and detail put into them and the stories behind them are truly what captured my attention the most. The marble sculpture of Perseus the Head of theMedusa by Antonio Canova.

Antonio Canova was born 1757-1822. He was an italian neoclassical sculptor. He had a big influence on the art in his time. After doing a little research on Perseus I found that was the son of Dane. She was the only child of Acrisus the king of Argo. At this period in time he was undergoing a little stress becasue he was incapable of have a son to have heir to his thone. So he took his daughter who was a virgin and locked her a way in a brazen chamber underground. But little did he know that his daughter would be found with child, because Zenu came to her in the form of Gold and inpreganted her. The story goes on to talk about how Perseus got got the head of the medusa. If you know anything about a medusa they are very scary to me. I mean with one stare they could turn a person in to stone. Wow I would never want to have life in this time. It seems that Dane fell in love with Polydectes and when that happened she decided she wanted to remove her son from the island. So Polydectes had a banquet and all the guest would have to bring a horse so he could get close to the horse tamer So protege didn't have a horse but he did make a promise to get the head of a medusa. Of course he would need help getting the head of the Medusa so Pesesus was on the island just looking for a medusa. To me it almost seemed as though he had give up and was just wandering with nothing much else to do. In the end he endup helping with the capture of the head of the medusa. I thought the story was very interesting and that the scupture itself was very detailed. I guess I alway relate things to the bible. becasue to me all these ancient myths are very close to biblical scriptures. I think I can really relat this to John the baptist head on a charger. I though it was very well depicted in the scupture. I mean there was a lot of detail. if you look closely you see a bird in Persus head. To me that mean that he really had a way with the animals espeicially if he wonder the island for a long time. they were almost like his friends. Then the head of the medusa was very intriguing to me too, because You really see the detail with the for lack of better terms the snakes coming out of his head. I really could even imagine seeing a really person like this or even knowing someone who could turn people into stone. I am just speachless...

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Good... looks like you had a great day. I like how the sculpture you choos brough you right to thinking about mythology.... This is a stron piece and it's placement is dramatic....